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nylon coated carbonized steel, plastic bons...
Each bra (lingerie or swimwear) has its own specific shape and needs a specific shape of the bone and the strength of the wire. We produce bra wires according to the designs and needs of clients, but you can also try our basic shape.
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Carbonized steel coated with nylon. You can try our open shapes below or you can order your owen shapes and a right thickness of the wire inside. Min. quantity is 500 pairs per size.
wires clasic
Wires Double "W"
Carbonized steel coated with nylon or with coated edges only. The shapes on pictures below are under an exclusivity of our clients. Please send us your owen chart or real size range of required wires. Min. quantity is 500 pairs per size.
Wires "W"
Wires Shaped "V"
Carbonized steel coated with coated edges. Many shapes and sizes make your swimwear realy original. Min. quantity is 1000 pcs.
Shaped "V"
Flat corsets bones
Great for lingerie, corsets, lingerie, dresses, headgear, costumes, special prosthetic bandage and more. Yoou can choice betwen plastic or metal spiral bons. The right choice depends on special using of them.
Flat bones
Continual boning
Great for lingerie, corsets, lingerie, dresses, headgear, costumes, special prosthetic bandage and more. Yoou can choice betwen plastic or metal spiral bons. The right choice depends on special using of them.
Continual boning
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